Friendship  Discussion 

How to Discussion with friend
How to Discussion with friend
Manu: Good morning, 
Anu: Good morning, 

Manu: How are you?
Anu: Fine. Thank you. And how are you?

Manu: Very well. Thank you.
Anu: May I borrow your cycle?

Manu: Of course, take my cycle.
Anu: Thank you very much.

Manu: you are welcome.
Anu: How is your brother?

Manu: Not very well.
Anu: Why? What is wrong?

Manu: He felt a bit feverish and….
Anu: And what?

Manu: And a little cough too.
Anu: Have you taken him to a doctor yet?Manu: Within five minutes we are going to see him.

Anu: How will you go?
Manu:  We will hire a cab.

Anu: If you need my help, please let me know.
Manu: Oh, certainly.

Anu: I will return the cycle after four hours.
Manu: No problem

Anu: Thanks again and bye.
Manu: Bye.

Anu: I say, stop
Manu:  OK. What is the matter?

Anu: I want to tell you about your car.
Manu:  What happened?

Anu: Nothing. I just observed that it is not parked in the parking lane.
Manu: Oh No. It means that I did a mistake.

Anu: Yep. You did. Immediately park your car in the parking lane otherwise you will be fined.
Manu:  Fine. And thanks for it.

Anu: you're welcome. I am going to the Market. Will you accompany me?
Manu:  No. I am busy at the moment.

Anu:  When will you become free?
Manu:  After half an hour, I can accompany you.

Anu:  OK. Then we shall go to the Computer Market also.
Manu: It's quite far.

Anu:  No problem. We have no other business in the evening.
Manu: OK. Now you let me complete my work.
Anu: Okay

Leaving a message To Friend

Laura: Hello?
Jack: Greetings, is Heather there, please

Laura: Indeed. Who are you searching for again?
Jack: Heather Johnson. 

Laura: Gracious, I thought you said,  Sorry about that. This is the correct number, yet Heather's not here the present moment. 
Jack: Do you know where she went? 

Laura: She went to the store to get a few basic supplies. Might you want to leave a message
Jack: Indeed, would you please reveal to her Eric Martin called? 

Laura: Hello there, Eric, this is her flatmate Kathy. I met you two or three months prior at the Christmas party. 
Jack: Gracious, yes. How are you? 

Laura: Great. Heather will be back in around 20 minutes. I'll disclose to her you called. 
Jack: Alright. Much obliged. 

Laura: Bye. 

Sending A Mail 

Bill: Hello Jane, did you get the mail yet? 
Jane: Truly. I lifted it up at the beginning of today. There were a couple of bills and a letter from my mom. There was additionally a great deal of garbage mail. 

Bill: Was there anything for me? 
Jane: I don't recall, let me check. Truly, it would appear that there's something here for you.

Bill: Who's it from?
Jane: The American Embassy. 

Bill: My hands are messy. Will you open it for me? 
Jane: Beyond any doubt. 

Bill: What does it say? 
Jane: It says your travel permit is prepared. You can lift it up whenever. 

Bill: Do you want to drive me there? 
Jane:Of course, when? 

Bill: I figure we ought to go get it now. I will wash my hands and after that, we'll go. Is that OK? 
Jane: That is fine.